Exclusive Myths About Tyres Debunked Leave a comment

A two wheeler moves smoothly only due to the tyres. They play a vital role as they are the only part always touching the road. These are the part of a vehicle that gives the right grip and friction for smooth movement. We often assume tyres can handle bumps and go anywhere easily. However, neglecting them can lead to major problems and troubles. It is important to take good care of our tyres for a trouble-free journey. Check the tyres often for how much tread they have left and any damage to make them last longer. We’ve gathered a few myths and facts about grip tyre for bike. Take a good look at them and stop doing things the wrong way.

Myth 1 – It is ok to inflate the tyre until it reaches the pressure figure (PSI) that you can find on the side wall.

Fact – The number you see on the tyre’s side is the most it should be filled. To find the right pressure for your car, open the door and check inside. You can also look in the owner’s manual for the recommended tyre pressure.

Myth 2 – Valve caps prevent air loss from tyres.

Fact – Valve caps are simply covers that protect the valve from dust, water, and mud. Without them, these elements can cause air to escape from the valve.

Myth 3 – Lower tyre pressure means better grip on wet roads, reducing the risk of skidding.

Fact – Lowering tyre pressure is not good. It makes the tread and grooves on the tyre close up, so they can’t get rid of water well. This can make your wheels lock up or skid more easily. So, make sure to keep your tyres inflated to the recommended level.

Myth 4 – During summer, when the roads heat up, it’s helpful to lower your tyre pressure by a few PSI.

Fact – This myth about tyres is widespread, and almost anyone might mention it. If you drive with low PSI levels, your tyre can get hot and the side wall might bend, possibly causing an accident. It’s best to keep your PSI levels at the recommended amount, even in hot weather.

Myth 5 – In winter, some people believe that reducing tyre pressure by a few PSI makes it easier to drive on wet roads.

Fact – Many people think you should keep your tyre pressure the same all the time. But when it gets colder by three to four degrees, you actually need to add 1-2 PSI more than the recommended levels. This is because colder temperatures make your tyre pressure drop. If you ignore this, it can harm your 2 wheeler high mileage tyre and even cause accidents.

Myth 6 – Tread patterns help you handle better on dry roads.

Fact – Tread patterns improve handling, but mainly they help in dispensing water on wet roads.

Myth 7 – We can feel the tyre’s compound with our hands to determine if it’s soft or hard.

Fact – Touching a tyre gives only a small clue about its overall composition. Tyres have multiple layers of different materials, so you can’t tell if it’s soft or hard just by feeling it.

Myth 8 –Winter tyres aren’t needed in usual winters. We need them only when it snows.

Fact – The name ‘winter tyres’ serves a purpose. They’re not just for snow; they’re useful when it’s cold. If you’re in a place where it’s often below 10 degrees, always use them. This is because regular tyres get hard and damaged in low temperatures, showing visible cuts. Winter tyres have a different tread and special rubber to handle the cold better.

Myth 9 – Slick or racing tyres increase the speed of your bike.

Fact – This isn’t entirely true. Performance tyres can make you go faster because they have excellent grip on dry roads, giving you better handling. Their better grip comes from having a larger contact area with the road. That’s why Formula 1 and MotoGP vehicles use tyres that look flat or bald with no tread. But remember, how fast your vehicle goes ultimately depends on its power; tyres just help you get there. However, it’s not a good idea to use these tyres for everyday driving because they can easily skid on wet roads without treads.

Myth 10 – Tubeless Tyres = No Puncture

Fact – Lies, especially with the new tubeless tyres, which have the same structure as regular tyres. Tubeless tyres are less likely to get punctured for two main reasons. First, without an inner tube, they can’t be “punctured”. Second, the anti-puncture fluid can seal tiny holes on its own without you noticing.

Myth 11 – Unused tyres never get degraded

Fact – It’s true that tyres often get damaged from being used on roads. As you drive more, the tread on your tyres wears down. But even if you don’t use your car, your tyres won’t stay perfect. Different things can harm them, like where they’re kept. If they’re exposed to heat, cold, sunlight, water, or ice, they’ll start to age. You can do things to keep your tyres safe when you’re not using them. Try storing them indoors in a cool, dry place, like a garage. If your vehicle has been still for a while, you might need new tyres instead of just pumping them up. Check them closely for cracks or bulges to see if they need replacing.

Myth 12 – Tubeless tyres can lose air fast

Fact – If you fit the tubeless radial tyre for bike correctly and use the right amount of sealant, there’s no reason it should lose air quicker than a clincher tyre, its closest rival.


We believe you now understand many myths about radial tyres for cycles or bikes. When riders pick the correct high-performance tires that suit their needs and likes, they open up exciting adventures. They get precise handling and the confidence to test their motorcycles to the fullest. Whether on the racetrack or the open road, high-performance motorcycle tires are vital. They make sure every ride is thrilling and safe. This lets riders create their own way through tough terrain.

Credit : Source Post

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