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What Are the Signs of a Failing Car Battery? Leave a comment

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The car battery, an oft-forgotten yet critical component of any vehicle, provides the necessary power to start the engine and maintain a steady voltage to ensure optimal performance. With the added responsibility of powering other key features like headlights and radio, it’s no wonder that a car battery is a crucial component that should not be taken for granted.

But despite its significance, a car battery can often be neglected by drivers until it’s too late. In fact, a battery can still function even when it’s not in optimal condition, making it difficult for drivers to spot potential issues before they become major problems.

Fortunately, there are signals that a failing battery gives before it dies out completely. Recognising these signs can allow drivers to address the issue before it leaves them stranded.

Signs of a dying car battery

The warning light

Your car’s dashboard warning lights are there to help you out. One of these warning lights specifically targets the battery, but it’s important to note that it’s not always the battery itself that’s the issue. Your alternator or drive belt could also be causing problems, which will lead to the battery underperforming. It’s crucial to pay attention to these warning lights and get your car checked out if you notice anything unusual.

Ignoring these signals could lead to costly repairs down the road, not to mention the potential danger of being stranded with a dead battery. Keep an eye out for these warning lights, and make sure to keep your car’s battery and other components in top condition with regular maintenance.

The engine doesn’t start easily

As previously noted, your car battery plays a vital role in powering up your engine. By generating electricity and sending it to the starter motor, it kicks the combustion engine into gear, allowing you to hit the road in no time.

A healthy battery will have your engine roaring to life in the blink of an eye. However, if you notice that the engine is turning over slowly, it could be an indicator that your battery is running low on juice and may need a health check or replacement. Don’t let a sluggish battery bring you down – make sure to keep an eye out for these signs and take action promptly to ensure your car is running at its best.

Ticking sounds

It’s a frustrating situation when your engine fails to start, and there could be several potential causes. If you turn the key and all you hear is an annoying ticking or clicking sound, then it’s most likely a dead battery that’s to blame. While it may only need a quick charge, if it’s nearing the end of its life, it’s best to replace it altogether.


In a car battery, electricity is delivered through cables or leads that are connected to its terminals. However, these terminals are susceptible to corrosion, which can hinder the flow of electricity and cause damage to the battery. This type of corrosion is easily identifiable, as you’ll notice a build-up of corrosive substances around the terminals.

If you do see this type of corrosion, it’s a clear sign that your car battery is in poor condition and in need of replacement.

It’s getting on

In general, a car battery can last anywhere from four to six years before it starts to lose its resilience to harsh weather conditions, whether it be cold or hot. If your car battery is approaching the five-year mark and you haven’t replaced it yet, it’s definitely worth getting it checked out. As we’ve mentioned before, a car battery may still be operating while deteriorating silently, only to suddenly die at the most inconvenient time possible.

Get a car battery health check at Eastern Tyre Centre

At Eastern Tyre Centre, our trained technicians deal with car batteries all the time and know just what to look for. If you’re not sure how old your battery is or if you’ve picked up on any of the warning signs mentioned above, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Credit : Source Post

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