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Tindie Blog | POVStaff Kit: Amazing Staff Visuals For All! Leave a comment

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In a world of flow state movements, contact juggling, club swinging and poi, staff twirling is a very cool art. If you want to bring your staff work to a whole new level of awesome perhaps you might consider this kit to build a POV (Persistence Of Vision) enabled staff.

The kit comprises of all the electronic components you’ll need to create a POV staff. You’ll need to supply hardware for the actual staff but links are included to providers selling the correct polycarbonate tubes etc. On paper, this doesn’t look like a build suitable for those who have never soldered but after reading the amazingly details build guide, coupled with reading the feedback comments on the Tindie product page, it appears absolute beginners have succeeded in building this project successfully.

The POVStaff uses both polycarbonate tubing and large wooden dowels as its chassis structure. It should be rugged and have the heft and balance of other staves so your flow staff skills should transfer well.  Once assembled the user guide documentation steps through basic operation and charging and also includes instructions on how to create and upload your own images for the staff to project. In this latest version of the POVStaff, you can upload images and interact with the staff by connecting to the staff’s own WiFi network which hosts a small web interface.

We can’t wait to see some more pictures and videos of people using these!

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